Plenary discussants II


Andrew Flinn is Reader in Archival Studies and Oral History and Vice Dean for Postgraduate Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University College London, where he has been teaching archive studies and public history since 2002. He is Deputy Principal Investigator on the Sloane Lab Research. He is also a trustee of National Life Stories at the British Library, current chair of the UK and Ireland Community Archives and Heritage Group, and a member of the International Council on Archives' (ICA) Section on Archival Education and Training (SAE) steering group. His research interests include community-based archives, archival activism and social justice, and digital oral history. Recent publications include (with Jeannette A. Bastian) Community Archives, Community Spaces: heritage, memory and identity (Facet, 2020) as well as articles in “Archival Science” and “Digital Scholarship in the Humanities”. 


Kamil Kmak is a social activist, regionalist, and project manager and is professionally associated with the financial industry. He is founder of the Grybów Community Archive (Poland), and co-founder and president of the Saga Grybów Association. He is also a dialogue leader in the Dialogue Forum Network; winner of the 3rd edition of the KARTA Center Award for activities promoting historical memory and serving the civic community.  He is the editor of the publication "Cichy Memorial – Grybowska Saga. Narratives about Grybów and Grybów inhabitants recalled on Arkadiusz Andrejkow's murals and boards" (2023). 


Claudio Ogass Bilbao is an activist archivist and PhD student in Archive Studies at the University of Liverpool, and fellow of the Chilean National Research and Development Agency (ANID Becas Chile Scholarship, 2019). He holds a master’s degree in History (University of Chile), Diploma in Archival Science (Alberto Hurtado University, Chile), and a specialisation course in Human Rights, Gender and Diversity Archives from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. He is coordinator of the Research Area of the Working Group on Climate Change and Archives (WGCCA) of the International Council on Archives (ICA) and Didactic Coordinator of the Community Archival Workshops in Latin America (TACAL).  He is a member of the Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies (LUCAS), the Society of Latin American Studies (SLAS), Archivistas en Espanglish, and the Assembly of Archivists and Archivists (ASARCH). 


Tamara Štefanac is a senior archivist at the National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia, with a PhD in Information Science and MA degrees in Art History, Comparative Literature, and Archival Studies. Her career includes roles as Archivist-Documentalist, Curator, and Director of the Croatian Railway Museum. In 2023, she completed a post-doctorate research programme as a Fulbright Scholar on the Croatian diaspora in Los Angeles, during which she served as a visiting assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA. Štefanac is the President of the National Committee of the Blue Shield in Croatia and actively participates in international cultural heritage projects.


Mônica Tenaglia is an Assistant Professor in Archival and Information Science at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Belém, Brazil. She holds a PhD in Information Science from the University of Brasília, an MA in Archives and Records Management from University College London, and a BA in History from the University of São Paulo. She was a visiting researcher at the School of Information, University of Texas at Austin (2018–2019). Prior to her current position at UFPA, she has worked extensively as an archivist in England and Brazil, including at the Brazilian National Truth Commission and the University of the Arts London. Tenaglia studies the relationship between archives, archivists, and human rights. Currently, she has been studying how archives are used in investigations into violations of the human rights of indigenous peoples, communities, and marginalized groups. She is the author of As comissões da verdade e os arquivos da ditadura militar brasileira [Truth commissions and archives of the Brazilian military dictatorship] (University of Brasília Press, January 2023).

This event is organised by Centre of Community Archives/ Centrum Archiwistyki Społecznej, and will be chaired by Magdalena Wiśniewska-Drewniak.